Alaiedon Township
The Hill Land for Excellent Living
Property Taxes
As provided in state law, property taxes are collected two times per year.
Summer taxes are collected between July 1 and September 14. Winter taxes are collected December 1 through February 14. Taxes may be paid in person at the township hall or by mail. Alaiedon Township does not accept postmarks--if taxes are mailed, they must arrive at the township by the end of the business day on the due date.
On March 1, any unpaid taxes will be turned over to the Ingham County Treasurer for collection.
For more information on the poverty exemption, click here.
Property Classes
State law creates five classes of property utilized by Alaiedon Township. The classes are: agriculture, commercial, industrial, residential and personal property. Below is a breakdown of the percentage property taxes by each property class within the township.

Property Classes
Property taxes are distributed according to the number of mills levied. (1 mill = $1.00 for each $1,000 of taxable value)
Property taxes in Alaiedon Township are distributed to the following:

How does Alaiedon Township use the 2 percent of property taxes it collects?
Alaiedon Township collects .84 of a mill in property taxes, which accounts for approximately 2 percent of total property tax bill paid by Alaiedon Township land and business owners. The township uses the funds for the following: